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Prevention is better than cure
Regular intensive blood flow to the muscles allows you to prevent (avoid) muscle injuries and/or tissue damage.
In addition, sports massage allows you to eliminate muscle injuries and blockages in the muscles. Tissue damage can be caused by overloading in sports. One does not overload easily if the muscle is in good condition and by treating the muscle regularly and preventively through sports massage. However, an overload in the muscle can be caused by improper loading of the muscle. Also for this you are at the right address. RZ Vitaal offers the possibility for you to be guided in execution and training techniques, to make a schedule based on your fitness and training goals and to receive information, education and advice regarding your training.
Besides sports massage, at RZ Vitaal it is also possible to treat other forms of specific sports-related complaints through various massage techniques:
- Sports massage
- Trigger point massage
- Connective tissue massage
RZ Vital stands for adequate preventive injury control. Have you nevertheless suffered an injury? RZ Vitaal is a practice for sports massage with a treating paramedic who is an expert in the field of sports. Rowana Zwerts, physiotherapist by profession will look together with you for an appropriate treatment. Get in touch!